Friday, November 5, 2010


~~~~ Yep it is that time of year again it is cold and time to start thinking about Christmas presents. i am knitting scarves right now. i just finished one for my friends daughter in pink and white variegated yarn called Powder Puff by Palette Collection. It turned out really well and is the one in the picture. i am also crocheting her a scarf and hat to match the fingerless gloves that i made her while i was in OH. 

~~~~ i am also knitting a scarf with baby colored variegated yarn for someone very close to me, but as there is a chance they may read this blog at some point i am not going to say who. Then i have another scarf to knit for an other friend of mine and that one i think i am going to do blue and tan. 

~~~~ Two of my brothers and their girlfriends want blaze orange wool hats for hunting so i have to see if i can find blaze orange wool somewhere and then crochet these hats. (i do not know how to knit a hat yet.) If i can not find blaze orange wool i am going to try and find some blaze orange cotton as they want them to be natural fibers for hunting. (So far they have gotten three deer between them 2 bucks and 1 doe.) i still need to figure out what i am going to make for my other brother and his roommate.

~~~~ i will get back to the chemo caps later when it is not so hard to do. my dad no longer needs them as he passed away October 18th but i will still be making them to donate and Roommate's uncle is going to needs some as well so i will give some to him. i already gave him one but he is going to need more then one so i will get them made as soon as i can but after that i do not think i will be making them for  awhile. 

~~~~ i am still working on the emergency baby blankets too. One has been finished and Roommate took it down to them when he went down there last weekend. The other two are being worked on and will be mailed as soon as i can. They are turning out really nicely and will be really warm and that is what is needed in this weather that we have now. Winter is on its way.

~~~~ i have the gifts for my Secret Santa ready to be mailed out for one of my groups on Ravelry called "Lets Make a Gift of a Healing Blanket". As soon as i have the money i will get the gift posted off to them. i really hope that they like it.

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