Friday, February 21, 2014


~~~ It has been such a long time since i have posted anything on here or any of my blogs. i have been very busy with things in life and have not found time to do everything that i have wanted to. i am still doing crafts but right now i am cross stitching more than i am crocheting. i will post some of my work as i get the pictures loaded. 

~~~ i have a lot of cross stitch projects started that i need to finish and have joined a group at my local cross stitch store, The Black Cat Stitchery, to get my "lost and forgotten works" finished. The ladies at this store are amazing and the selections are unbelievable and if they do not have what you are looking for they will do their bests to find it. If you are ever in the area stop by, or check out their webpage and see what they have. my stitching has improved so much since i have started going there. 

~~~ i have learned to stitch on linen and not just Aida as well as to do counted needle point. i find it so very relaxing and meditative to do. And as the wonderful ladies at the story often say, "It is cheaper than therapy." In fact tomorrow they are have what they call their Market Day, where they are putting out all the new products that they got while at market in Nashville. It starts at 9:00 AM and i cannot wait to be there. i know they have picked some patters up for me that i cannot wait to get started on. 

~~~ Though i am only allowing myself to start one of the projects that they picked up until i get some of my others that i have left unfinished done.  i do not need a bunch of unfinished projects laying around the apartment. Not to mention that most of these unfinished projects are meant to be gifts for people and i really should get them done and to the ones that they are intended for.  .... i love making things for other people.